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JUDr. Zbyněk ZACHA


judr zbynek zacha


e-mail: [email protected]


JUDr. Zbyněk Zacha has been a partner of Váňa, Kapalín & Partners since 2007. He is a graduate of the Faculty of Law of Charles’ University in Prague, where he completed his studies in 2004. Then in 2005 he successfully defended his viva voce paper on the subject of the Legal Issue of Tax from the Acquisition and Transfer of Property at the same faculty, obtaining the degree of JUDr.

He has worked at VKP since 2005 as a junior lawyer, previously gaining experience from 2002 onwards at the real estate group BONUS Group, where he worked in the management of the legal department and as head of the public auctions and property administration department. He passed his bar examinations in 2007 and subsequently became a member of the Czech Bar Association. As an expert in private law, in 2008 he also participated in the activities of the expert group formed by the Ministry of Justice of The Czech Republic in relation to the preparation of the new Civil Code.

His main focus of attention at VKP involves corporate matters, legal relations to property, legal audits of companies and properties, contract law, operations with receivables and securities, bankruptcy law, financial law, investments security and representation in civil and arbitration proceedings. He can work equally well in Czech and English. His exceptional education and diligence allowed him to fit perfectly into the team at VKP.